

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.

Terry Pratchett

The late Terry Pratchett summed up my thoughts on travel pretty well.

From the excitement of setting off on childhood hols in my dad’s old Ford Pop, to thumbing my way around Europe and the Middle East as a teenager, and other trips since, travel has always given me a thrill.

Fast forward forty plus years to June 2022 and, encouraged by friends, I entered the world of blogging, a first for me, and wrote about the couple of months I spent that summer travelling around the Greek island of Crete. Here’s a link if you want to take a look: Crete.

People seemed to like reading it so, with other travels in mind, I decided to pull them all together here, all in one place. This one’s number two, about a month I’ll be spending in Spain (10.01.23 to 07.02.23).

As I wrote in the intro to my Cretan travels, I know that blogging’s a bit Hey, look at me!’ but, despite being unsure about the idea at first, I got to quite like doing it after a while. And you don’t have to look if you don’t want to.

I’ve come to think that a blog’s really just an open diary and, as friends and family who were following me sent messages and posted comments about what I’d been up to on Crete, I was spurred on by the realisation that, actually, a blogged diary can talk back to you.

You can make it talk if you feel like it via the ‘Leave a Comment’ section below. There’ll be one at the foot of every post.

More to come when I get to Denia (pic above).

Finding your way around

If you’re unsure about how to navigate your way around, there are only really two things to remember:


At the foot of every post, just before you get to the ‘Leave a Comment’ section, there are arrows to the left or right. These will take you to the previous or next posts, assuming there are any. With this post, for example, there isn’t a link to the last one because this is the very first. Essentially, an arrow on the < left takes you back, and one on the right > takes you on to the next post.


If you ever get completely lost or just want to go back to the beginning without having to skip through all the arrows, click on where it says ‘ARK Trips’ at the top of any page, and you’ll be back at the start, where all posts are listed in order, a bit like the contents page of a book.

Hope this makes sense but if you get stuck just let me know by email or a WhatsApp message and I’ll sort you out.

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